Thursday, October 28, 2010

What does vociferous mean?

Vociferous means loud, bellowing, making one's point in a noisy manner. I have ranted to the four walls and orated to the cat and dog long enough. I want to be heard. I'd shout from the roof top if I could get up there. This is the best I can do. Consider me talking to you with an intent look on my face and my voice gaining volume as I make my point.

Like the fellow who belongs to "the rent is too damn high party" I belong to the "who writes these intellectually challenged political ads party?"

I get requests from a political party for donations. The following is the letter I sent them.

I'm on Social Security and count every penny.To donate my hard sought money so
you can televise harmful ads against candidates who are doing the same
harmful ads against your candidates makes no sense.

There is no
information given. There is no problem comes on and says the other
is lying and then the other comes on, usually the next ad, and says the
other guy is lying. What are ya'll thinking of? The American people are not
helped by this kind of mud slinging.

As long as our governmental
representatives are elected by 30 second ads our country will continue to
flounder. The news casters keep the people stirred up so the parties will buy
more time on TV. The only winner in all of this is the visual

They get $40 a month of my meager funds and by george,
that is all they get.

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